Hello World
I'm Jeff Cohen,
pleasure to meet you!
My name is Jeff L. Cohen and I will be your guide for the duration of your visit. Please enjoy your stay and come back soon!
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As we go through life, we take on many roles. For me, that includes being a native Floridian, a father of three, a stepfather of two, an attorney, and a traveler. I’ve had the opportunity to represent hundreds of clients across the United States, but some of my most valuable lessons have come from my travels and learning from shamans. I wear many hats, including that of a husband, ex-husband, friend, professional, businessman, mentor, and student. And let’s not forget my occasional identity as a Cross-fitter and ice cream aficionado. What roles have you taken on in your life?
Exciting news! I recently became an author with the publishing of my first book. I’m also venturing into the world of blogging. As a man, I was inspired to create a space for men to connect and discuss what it means to be a man, including the challenges and opportunities we face. Whether you come from different backgrounds or have different beliefs, my hope is that you’ll find value in these discussions. Let’s support each other in being the best we can be!