One of the ways fear has worked in my life is by preventing me from dreaming of what I could be, do, have, or become. When I was young (into my 20s), it scared me that I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. Before then, I always had a reason why not to do something, join something, or accomplish something. My unconscious strategy of dealing with the fear of not being enough was to simply avoid playing in the sandbox of life— if I didn’t play, I couldn’t lose!
Even as I got older and accomplished more and more, my ability to dream was unconsciously restricted. When I started a law firm and rented an office that was bigger than what I needed, I figured “Well, I guess I’ll just fill this place up over time.” When that happened, I said “I’m never going to leave this place,” even though I knew I would run out of room. My only reason? Fear.
As I get older, I continue to encounter the challenge of my own mind and sense the limitations I allow fear to create. When I see these challenges, I push through and create more than I ever dreamed.
By conquering my own limitations, my life has become far more vibrant and fulfilling than anything I thought even possible, ironically one that’s often instructive to others.